Are You Marinating in Negativity?
We all have days when everything feels off, don’t we? Whether it's the weight of the world around us or just the small frustrations piling up, it’s easy to get caught in a negative mindset. But what if the way we handle those moments is like preparing a meal? Hear me out—it’s not about what you’re cooking, but how you approach it. Let me explain...
Picture this—you’re preparing BBQ chicken (apologies to the vegans and vegetarians). What’s happening? Maybe you mix up some ketchup, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, honey, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, garlic, smoked paprika, and whatever other ingredients spark your creativity. Then, you let it marinate. Why? Because marinating infuses the flavor, making the chicken juicier and tastier. But here’s the catch: if you leave the chicken in the marinade for too long, it begins to break down. It gets soft and mushy—definitely not ideal.
This is exactly what can happen when we marinate in negativity. Being surrounded by constant negative thoughts and influences starts to wear you down, even if you don’t notice it right away. It changes you. And like that chicken, it doesn’t happen overnight. The longer you stay in a negative headspace, the more it chips away at your well-being.
We all face negativity—it’s a part of life. But the real question is: are we going to let it control us? You can’t fight negativity with more negativity. Instead, the way to counter it is by actively choosing to focus on the positive, even in the face of hardship.
For many, spirituality is a source of strength and peace. Whether you connect with God, a higher power, a sense of the universe, or simply the inner wisdom that resides in us all, the act of choosing positivity can be part of a greater journey toward wellness. Spirituality, however it looks for you, has the potential to bring balance and perspective in the midst of negativity.
Does that mean negativity will disappear completely? No, of course not. Life still throws challenges our way. But the good news is that you have the power to choose how you respond. Whether you turn to mindfulness, meditation, or something else that helps you center yourself, you can build a mindset that is resilient and rooted in positivity.
The ingredients of your life are yours to choose. When you focus on the good, the meaningful, and the things that truly matter, you’re not only building resilience—you’re building a life full of flavor, purpose, and vitality.
So, here’s the question: are you going to let yourself marinate in negativity, allowing it to drain you and shift your mindset? Or will you choose to step out of that marinade, embrace the positive, and live a life filled with joy, purpose, and service to others?
Let that marinate.